Three Benefits to a workplace apprenticeship program
The Tampa Bay region has the second largest manufacturing employment in the state, but Tampa Bay manufacturers are increasingly worried about finding and holding on to quality, skilled workers. How can local companies find the workforce they need to continue to thrive? One answer may be to consider sponsoring employees in an apprenticeship program. Apprenticeships pair on-the-job training with virtual or in-classroom instruction.
There are many reasons an apprenticeship program may be the answer. Here are the top three.
1. Profitability
Once established, apprenticeship programs reduce turnover rates, increase productivity, lower the cost of recruitment and increase safety. The return on investment is clear. For every dollar, an employer invests in apprenticeships, they receive an average of $1.50 in return.
Companies can also receive tax credits and employee tuition benefits through workforce agencies such as CareerSource and Veterans Florida. “This program was created by FloridaMakes working with manufacturers to create an online on-demand and cost effective program for entry level employees who are motivated to learn and be more productive employees.. The FloridaMakes team handles all the administrative requirements and provides a turnkey inhouse training program saving manufacturers thousands of dollars less than most traditional apprentice programs says Tina Berger, FloridaMakes; Director of Talent Development.
2. Employee retention
Many employers worry that once the employee is trained, they will take the knowledge and look for employment elsewhere. That is not the case, apprentices are shown to be loyal to the companies that invest in them. According to the Department of Labor, 91% of apprentices that complete an apprenticeship are still employed nine months later.
Not only does the apprentice benefit from the program but the morale of all employees has been shown to improve from being exposed to a learning environment at work. This creates a supportive atmosphere. Krystle Wilson tells about the benefits of the Industrial Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship video
Employees feel more valued when companies are showing they are willing to invest in them. A team who feels valued and challenged has greater satisfaction toward their jobs which will in turn enhance motivation and increase stability within the company.
3. Ability to create a customized training program.
Through apprenticeship, businesses have the opportunity to train workers to meet their specific standards. Customized training programs ensure that employees are gaining the right skills for the specific business or industry. Companies see a more complete knowledge transfer with the on-the-job learning from an assigned mentor combined with related technical instruction. According to Roy Sweatman, who runs an apprenticeship program at Southern Manufacturing Technologies in Tampa, “This new Industrial Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship is a great step forward for manufacturers and for employees or potential employees in the manufacturing field. It is short enough to not feel like it will never end. It is flexible enough to be used in almost any manufacturing business. The online related training solves the issue of having to get the apprentices all to a school at the same time. And, it is a great stepping stone to bigger and better things in the future.”
To find out more about local apprenticeship programs, contact BAMA Workforce Development Chairman, Roy Sweatman or FloridaMakes Tina Berger.
IMT specific: https://www.floridamakes.com/what-we-do/workforce-training-development/imt-program.stml
Apprenticeship General info: https://www.floridamakes.com/what-we-do/workforce-training-development/apprenticeships.stml