The Internet of Things

Learn how "smart" factory components talk amongst themselves.
Dr. Sandip Ray, endowed IoT Term Professor
University of Florida
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Speaker Dinner at Bascom's Chop House
Thursday, May 23, 2019
5:30 -7:30 PM
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) regime arguably began about a decade ago, when the number of connected computing devices exceeded the human population. Today, our environment includes billions of connected electronic systems, coordinating and communicating to implement applications of unprecedented scale and diversity, ranging from intelligent homes, smart biomedical devices, self-driving automobiles, to smart cities. The trend is towards even more proliferation of these systems with estimates of trillions within the next fifteen years, representing the fastest growth for any sector at any time in the human history.
In this talk, we will look at architectural and design challenges and approaches in ensuring efficient, reliable and trustworthy behavior of computing systems in the IoT regime. IoT system architecture in current industrial practice is a highly complex activity, spanning consideration for the entire design cycle and involving a variety of stakeholders with conflicting requirements. Come learn how IoT is currently impacting, or soon will affect, your manufacturing facilities, office environments, and your everyday life. Come ready to learn how “smart” factory components can be “taught” how to communicate amongst themselves to increase productivity and the ability to better control quality and predict future production capabilities.
Dr. Sandip Ray is an Endowed IoT Term Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida. His research involves developing correct, dependable, secure, and trustworthy computing through cooperation of specification, synthesis, architecture and validation technologies. His research targets next generation computing applications, including autonomous automotive systems, smart homes, intelligent implants, etc.
Before joining University of Florida, Dr. Ray was a Senior Principal Engineer at NXP Semiconductors, a Research Scientist at Intel Strategic CAD Labs, and a Research Scientist at University of Texas at Austin, where he led sponsored research projects from DARPA, SRC, and the National Science Foundation.
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Meet with Professor Ray in person to benefit your company!
If you feel that your company would benefit from talking to Dr. Ray about how this technology may be utilized in your factory to benefit your operation, please let me know by emailing me at We will coordinate a time for Dr. Ray to visit your facility to give you practical advise targeted to your needs. This visit is complementary for our BAMA members. He can meet with one company during the day on May 23rd and one company the morning of May 24th. We will arrange the meetings on a first come first served basis.