Wednesday, February 12, 2020
5:30-7:30 PM
BAMA General Meeting
Tour of EMI Industries
1316 Tech Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33619

Registration 5:30-5:45 pm
BAMA General Meeting 5:45-6:15 pm
Stay up to date on what we're working on at BAMA to support the manufacturing industry in the Tampa Bay area and important upcoming events.
Facility Tour 6:15-7:00 pm
EMI Industries is an award-winning metal and millwork manufacturer of standard and customized fixtures, displays and equipment for the restaurant, supermarket and convenience store industries. With five manufacturing locations across the country and 400,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing and warehouse space, EMI provides a convenient regional source for millwork and metal products, with national and international capabilities.
Tour of the wood (millwork) and metal manufacturing facilities.
On the wood side, you will see CNC machinery for milling, routing and edge banding purposes and assembly lines. You will also see the stain / paint booth for special finishes / treatments.
On the metal side, you will see CNC machines (Laser to cut; press brake to bend) to process stainless steel; you will see a special area for custom refrigeration as well as welding, polishing and final assembly lines.
You will also see how they integrate metal, wood and other components such as Quartz, Solid Surface and or Glass materials components under one roof.

Networking & Food 7:00-7:30 pm
Food & Beverage sponsored by: