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  • August 20, 2024 9:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    • 1.      How long have you been a BAMA member?  I was the Business Advisor for BAMA for 2.5 years and with Innovative Consulting Group going on our second year as a member.
    • 2.      What do you like most about being a BAMA member? I love networking, meeting new people, and helping companies.  My passion is manufacturing since that has encompassed the majority of my career.  I have created many friendships from BAMA and feel a great sense of community.  It’s a passionate group of people helping others.
    • 3.      Tell us about your company. ICG ( is the premier information technology (IT) and ERP software service provider in the manufacturing industry. As one of few companies hosting both IT and ERP under one roof, ICG is uniquely qualified to handle complex operational challenges for our customers and deliver the utmost value and performance every time. ICG’s team of consultants offers tailored support on IT platform and architecture, cybersecurity, IT & ERP managed services, private cloud hosting, ERP upgrades, manufacturing & financial consulting, shop floor & workflow automation, barcode & data collection, and more.
    • 4.      What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date? Raising my sons to be good men with a strong work ethic.
    • 5.      What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Be your genuine self and always maintain your integrity.
    • 6.      What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? Always wear a smile, be fair, and strive towards continuous improvement.
    • 7.      What are your hobbies or interests? I love the beach, kayaking, music, and travel.
  • July 29, 2024 5:26 PM | Anonymous

    1. How long have you been a BAMA member? I have been a BAMA member for 3 Months.

    2. What do you like most about being a BAMA member? I appreciate the strong sense of community and the valuable networking opportunities that BAMA provides, which helps cultivate growth and collaboration among local manufacturers.

    3. Tell us about your company? TriNu LLC specializes in sandblasting and powder coating services. We are committed to delivering high quality and exceptional results, ensuring that our clients receive the best solutions for their coating needs.

    4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date? My greatest accomplishment to date is successfully building TriNu Powder Coating LLC from the ground up, growing it into a trusted and reputable business in the industry.

    5. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? The best advice I have received is “You don’t live to work; you work to live”.

    6. What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? The most important skill I have developed is creating a workplace culture that encourages joy.

    7. What are your hobbies or interests? In my free time, I enjoy learning the piano, which helps me to stay balanced and inspired both personally and professionally.

  • June 17, 2024 5:35 PM | Anonymous

    1. How long have you been a BAMA member? 4 years—since 2020.

    2. What do you like most about being a BAMA member? The ability to access new knowledge in the industry—all the webinars, roundtables, networking events are fantastic!

    3. Tell us about your company? MicroLumen ( is the leading manufacturer of high performance medical products since 1987. Our high performance medical tubing is used in a wide rants of minimally invasive, critical applications including catheters, stent delivery systems, urological devices and drug delivery. We are a family owned company with over 300 employees. We pride ourselves on the quality of the products we provide to our customers and our commitment to our employees. We believe that taking care of your employees ensures happy customers.

    4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date?  Personally, it’s my relationship with my husband and son.  Professionally, it’s the feeling that I have contributed to the growth of MicroLumen to get us to where we are today.

    5. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?  “Assume Positive Intent”— Don’t immediately ascribe bad motives to people for their actions when you don’t agree.

    6. What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? The ability to listen before taking action. Sometimes there are important things you need to know before making a decision, you just need to give people the space to tell you.

    7. What are your hobbies or interests? Golf and scuba diving with my family. My husband and I just went to Raja Ampat in Indonesia this year on a scuba liveaboard. It was magical!

  • May 13, 2024 3:03 PM | Anonymous
    How long have you been a BAMA member? I have personally been involved with BAMA for many years however CardioCommand, Inc. has been a member of BAMA for 11 years.
    What do you like most about being a BAMA member? What I like most about BAMA is it provides a forum to connect with other manufacturing industry professionals whom I can collaborate with on industry and community challenges.
    Tell us about your company. CardioCommand, Inc. ( specializes in the development and manufacture of consumable medical products, advanced electronic cardiac monitoring devices, and pacing equipment. As an FDA-registered manufacturer, CardioCommand produces Class I, II, and III medical devices, and provides ISO 13485 certified Contract Manufacturing Services (CMS). We are also the proud manufacturers of petMAP ( portable veterinary monitors.
    What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date? Being a husband, father, and grandfather is my greatest accomplishment.
    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? The best advice I have ever received is that “being right is not enough.” I received that advice early in my career. I’ve learned that It’s not just about the accuracy of one's knowledge or ideas, but also about how they are communicated, how others are engaged in the process, and how decisions align with broader organizational goals and culture. Throughout my career, this advice has served me well.
    What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? Good question… If you look at my LinkedIn profile ( you will see 99+ endorsements each for Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Program Management, Lean Manufacturing, Team Building, and Process Improvement. Who am I to question what others have endorsed?
    What are your hobbies or interests? My wife loves to travel so we spend time cruising, skiing, and visiting our children and grandchildren. When I’m not working, traveling, or involved in ministry-related activities, I provide faith-based career coaching to people seeking employment. I also serve on local and national boards of directors and advisory boards. Additionally, I support back-office operations for my wife’s consulting practice.

  • April 04, 2024 10:34 AM | Anonymous

    1. How long have you been a BAMA member? I have been a member since December 2022 

    2. What do you like most about being a BAMA member? It is amazing how many kinds of Manufacturing companies there are in our backyards, and learning something new on every tour.  I do get memorized watching robots and machines and how they work. 

    3. Tell us about your company. Check Before Hire, LLC offers Pre-employment Background Checks and Drug Screenings.

    We believe!

    CLIENT CARE FIRST... ALWAYS.Check Before Hire helps your business or organization build a firm foundation of trust and safety for your employees & customers. 

    4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date?  Starting a new life here in the USA and starting my business. America is the land of opportunity.

    5. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Do not take it personally in business! It’s not about you. Keep Learning something new.

    6. What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? Make service & communication your priority, not success, and success will follow!

    7. What are your hobbies or interests? Enjoying long relaxing rides with my husband on our motorcycles. Plus, it’s a must to have Flip Flop Vacation once a year.

    Love to meet new people and travel to new destinations
  • February 16, 2024 12:12 PM | Anonymous

    How long have you been a BAMA member?  2 Years

    What do you like most about being a BAMA member?  The chance to network with other local manufacturers which have the potential to become vendors or clients.

    Tell us about your company? We are a manufacturer and distributor of filtration and screening products used by many industries.  We started out focusing on food processing and woodworking but have branched out to many other areas including building materials manufactures, tissue banks (used for transplants), pharmaceuticals and much more.  Something in our product line is used in a majority of manufacturing processes and we keep coming across more industries that we can help.

    What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date?  Thriving through the pandemic due to our ability to use all the resources at our disposal to keep our people working.  We pivoted our product line to help plug the gaps where we had lost business.  There was so much uncertainty yet we found a way to not only make it through but to grow the business as well.

    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?  Good times will come and when they do put something away for the bad times.  This has helped us thrive through a major recession and the Covid crisis.

    What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? The most important skill I have developed in the last 20 years of working here is to not be afraid to take calculated risks.  Starting out we were extremely conservative with deploying capital so much so that it hampered some of our early growth.  I now have the confidence that we can bring on new product lines and that we will be successful.  As cliché as it sounds it is grit.  You have to power through to see your goals realized  so you should not hesitate to take the first steps once you have done your research 

    What are your hobbies or interests? I have young children so most of my hobbies revolve around them and the sports and school work.  I love golfing, fishing and working out and as I get older fitness has really become a huge part of my life. 

  • January 09, 2024 10:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    How long have you been a BAMA member? 5 months as of December 31st, 2023

    What do you like most about being a BAMA member? BAMA has so many great things to offer, but I love that they invest in our youth through scholarship programs to help the future of manufacturing and fabricating needs in the Tampa Bay Area.

    Tell us about your company? Smith Metal Source was started in 2001 by Bill Smith, Sr., and Bob Smith. We are a metals distribution center carrying stainless, carbon, and aluminum flat rolled and long products. The company has grown over the last 23 years, but the focus will always remain the same. Provide first-in-class customer service to manufacturers and fabricators in the Tampa Bay Area and throughout Central Florida.

    What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date?  My greatest accomplishment has been taking what I have learned in my sales and customer service career and teaching it to new employees. Knowing that our customers are in good hands and well taken care of by our employees gives me great confidence in the future of SMS.

    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? When I started at SMS, Donna told me, "Never give up! Outwork your competition, knock on doors, and show people you care. One of my favorite quotes is, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill

    What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? To listen. Listening is crucial to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, things are easily misunderstood, and communication breaks down.

    What are your hobbies or interests? I enjoy traveling and visiting new cities and baseball stadiums across the country with my wife.

  • October 16, 2023 2:24 PM | Anonymous

    1. How long have you been a BAMA member? Since March of 2023.

    2. What do you like most about being a BAMA member? It’s great to be a part of a community, to meet people with similar passions, and to help one another grow by exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge.

    3. Tell us about your company? Our founding was a collaborative effort between my parents and grandparents. When my mom opened up her store, Villa Rosa Distinctive Linens, in 1984, there was no detergent on the market that could both clean and ensure a long lifespan for the fine linens she was selling. My grandfather was a chemist and, at her request, formulated a remedy. The following year, Linen Wash was launched in her store, and Le Blanc was born.

    Now, 38 years later, we manufacture and sell 10 laundry care product lines nationwide, still adhering to our value proposition of long-term care for your linens, towels, and clothes. And despite a year-to-year growth of 10% and $2 million in revenue, we’re still making our products in small batches in my grandfather’s mixing tanks from the ‘60s.

    4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date? I’m really proud that I’ve gotten to where I am. In full transparency, I was a poor student for most of my life – I wasn’t one to get into trouble, but I didn’t understand or care very much, was an awful test-taker, and had no focus. After high school I was in and out of four colleges through my early-mid 20s while working as a cook, completely lacking any purpose or direction. In late 2016, my family offered me a position here, asking that I try school one more time. Something clicked. I finally got my AA and a business degree from SPC, went on (of my own volition) to get an MBA from UF, and am now the Director of Operations here – and I’m loving it.  

    5. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? There is no such thing as multi-tasking. Now, that may be slightly hyperbolic, but I think the notion is very true – and often much more so than we want to acknowledge. Being aware of this has helped my focus to a tremendous extent, thus improving timeliness and quality.

    6. What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? Being happy, but never content. This is the basis for efficiency, for maximizing productivity. These principles started to blossom during my time working in the high-octane environment of restaurants, which I would later learn were really mild Lean strategies, and I’m always working at them. It’s important to know that it’s a constant work in progress. There is no finish line, each type of task requires a nuanced approach. And when you make an improvement, improve it again next time, and again and again; don’t become complacent or apathetic. That said, it’s important to celebrate victories and be happy with progress. Without some positivity there, you’ll burn out.  

    7. What are your hobbies or interests? I love learning about and discovering music. Different genres and the histories of how various styles traveled, creating the branches of one giant tree. On that note, history in general, and reading – all different things, though I can be kind of particular about my specific interest at any given time. I really enjoy cooking. And my wife is my best friend, doing anything with her is awesome.

  • September 22, 2023 2:27 PM | Anonymous

    1. How long have you been a BAMA member? A year and six months.

    2. What do you like most about being a BAMA member? I enjoy interacting and helping the hard- working employees and owners in the manufacturing industry and meeting new people. Manufacturing and small business is so important for our local economy.

    3. Tell us about your company? PuzzleHR is national provider of managed services for Human Resources, Payroll administration and Benefits administration.  We attach to clients existing HR technology and provide HR administrative lift or fill gaps for existing HR departments. PuzzleHR can also become the HR, payroll, benefits, and talent department for new or small businesses.

    4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date? Raising three children and 25 years of marriage to my wife Elizabeth.

    5. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Seek God first.

    6. What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? As simple as it sounds, slowing down, listening, and asking questions consistently. As an HR consultant, it is critical to listen and learn about how a company is managing their employees, payroll, and benefits to determine their needs to present a solution specific to the challenges they are facing. Our solution is not a one size fits all, it is customized and specific to each client’s needs.

    7. What are your hobbies or interests? I enjoy riding my Trek Road Bike for exercise on the Suncoast trail, going to EOS fitness gym, coaching my son’s baseball team, reading, and building relationships.

  • August 17, 2023 6:56 PM | Anonymous

     1. How long have you been a BAMA member? Anclote Manufacturing has been a member since October 2022. 

    2. What do you like most about being a BAMA member? Networking with other manufacturers within the BAMA network. 

    3. Tell us about your company? Anclote Manufacturing Co. specializes in the precision production of CNC machined metal components and plastic injection molded parts with many secondary operation capabilities available to offer a component or a complete packaged product. We are a product development and project management company that enjoys bringing production products to market.

    4. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date?  Being recognized with an “Operational Performance Award” for manufacturing products by one of the largest healthcare clinical providers in the United States. 

    5. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? FOCUS. FINISH. 

    6. What is the most important skill you have developed in your career? Working with customers to bring products to market. 

    7. What are your hobbies or interests? I enjoy golfing, fishing, and spending time with my family. 
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